Sunday 28 September 2014

Burkina Faso Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 129

Burkina Faso Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

The Diamond’s origin is well known to gemologists, historians and jewelry collectors. Discovered in the Kimberley diamond mines in South Africa in 1877, the 287.42-carat rough stone was acquired the following year by founder Charles Lewis Tiffany. It solidified Mr. Tiffany’s reputation as the “King of Diamonds” and made his enterprise the world’s diamond authority.

Friday 26 September 2014

Estonia Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 128

Estonia Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry. 
 By Samina Aamir

Image Source

The Klopman diamond is a fabulous, legendaryand huge diamond, said to have a curse associated with it.

The Klopman diamond was originally the subject of a traditional joke, a typical version of which is:

A businessman boarded a plane to find, sitting next to him, an elegant woman wearing the largest, most stunning diamond ring he had ever seen. He asked her about it.

“This is the Klopman diamond,” she said. “It is beautiful, but it’s like the Hope diamond; there is a terrible curse that goes with it.” “What’s the curse?” the man asked. She said “Mr. Klopman.”

Due to the use of the name “Klopman” and the somewhat dark humor, and the fact that it was one of Myron Cohen’s standards, this joke is sometimes characterised as Yiddish in origin. Some commentators maintain that names other than Klopman would not be as funny, and point to the fact that this joke has survived essentially unaltered for decades.

A later joke of Myron Cohen, similar in nature, goes as follows:

Thursday 25 September 2014

Comoros Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 127

Comoros Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Further evidence that the Tiffany Yellow Diamond must have originated in the claims of the historically important French Company is show by the fact that the gen was shipped to Paris. Experts there studied it for one year before it was cut under the supervision of the distinguished gemologist George F. Kunz in 1878. It yielded a cushion-cut brilliant of 128.54 (metric) carats, measuring 27 mm wide, 28.25 mm long and 22.2 mm deep. It was given a total of 90 facets: 48 on the pavilion, 40 on the crown, plus the table and culet. The extra facets were cut not to give the diamond more sparkle, rather to make it smolder as if it were lit by fire. The gem is high in fluorescence and retains this rich color in artificial light, but is even more beautiful by day.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Colombia Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 126

Colombia Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Sine if the Kimberly Central's shareholders, however, disapproved of Barnato selling out to Cecil Rhodes and challenged the merger in the Courts. It was the judge who told them that if Barnato agreed to put Kimberly Central into voluntary liquidation, De Beers could simply purchase its assets. Accordingly this is what the company did: Rhodes wrote out a check for £5,338,650 for the assets of Kimberly Central, which, in those days, was the largest sum of money ever covered in a single check.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 125

 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry. 
 By Samina Aamir

The stage was now set for a titanic battle for the remainder of the Kimberly Central's issued capital. Both Rhodes and Barnato bought recklessly, and at a time when the price of diamonds barely covered the cost of production, the company's shares soared from £14 to £49 within a few months. Eventually Rhodes and his associates could claim to own three-fifths of Kimberly Central's issued capital and Barnato realized he had been beaten. He surrendered in March of 1888, accepting the terms which gave Rhodes the control he had sought. On March 12th, De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited was formerly incorporated. The new company took over assets which represented the whole of the De Beers Mine, three-quarters of the Kimberly Mine and a controlling interest in the Bultfontein and Dutoitspan Mines. Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato were appointed among the company's first Life Governors.

Monday 22 September 2014

Christmas Island Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 124

Christmas Island Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Since his company was going so well, Barnato saw no reason at all why he should join any scheme of Rhodes for amalgamation. However, one obstacle lay in the path of the Kimberly Central, namely the Compagnie Français de Diamant du Cap. By virtue of its position within the Kimberly Mine and the policy it pursued, the French Company impeded any success of future operations by Barnato's company. Consequently Barnato made proposals to the French: but Rhodes had already done likewise and had succeeded in raising the finance necessary for the 

purchase of the French Company in Paris. Rhodes then laid a trap for his rival. He told Barnato that he could acquire the French Company if he wanted it and would not ask for cash in payment, only the equivalent of the price paid in Kimberly Central's recently issued new shares. By this means Rhodes was able to secure a useful foothold in the form of one-fifth of Kimberly Central's issued capital; all the time this had been his real objective, not the control of the French Company. Barnato acquiesced in his plan, falling right into the trap Rhodes had set for him.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Chinese Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 123

Chinese Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Born Barnett Isaacs in 1852, the son of a small shopkeeper off Petticoat Lane, one of the best-known streets in London's East End, Barnato was in every respect the complete antithesis of Rhodes. Barnato was an extroveving school at fourteen, he obtained a number of odd jobs including being a 'bouncer' at a public house and appearing on stage at a music hall. Several of his relatives left for South Africa after hearing of the discovery of diamonds there, so Barney eventually followed them. His only capital on arrival at the diamond fields consisted of a box of 

cigars - of doubtful quality - which he hoped to sell to the diggers. He became an itinerant buyer of diamonds, his genial personality proving a useful asset. In time, he bought for claims in the center of the Kimberly Mine and prospered so that he was able to form the Barnato Diamond Mining Company. Like Rhomerged his company with that of Baring-Gould's Kimberly Central Mining Company, thus giving him a strong hold in the Kimberly Mine as that of Rhodes in the De Beers Minert, imbued wides, Barnato kept on buying up claims. In 1885 Barnato th Jewish-Cockney wit and humor. After lea

Saturday 20 September 2014

Bulgaria Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 122

Bulgaria Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Resetting the Tiffany Diamond represents a commitment to the future and design innovation,” said Jon King, executive vice president of Tiffany & Co. “The diamond is the most important gemstone in the world and honors the vision of our founder, whose acquisition of the stone established Tiffany’s diamond heritage.”

Friday 19 September 2014

Chile Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 121

Chile Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

A publicity photo of Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 film Breakfast At Tiffanys. Believe it or not, the

film did alot for the Tiffany image -- the store and the film are now forever associated with each other. This photo
shows the stone set in the "Bird on the Rock" brooch, which was designed by the famous Tiffany jeweler
Jean Schlumberger. The piece is the Tiffany Yellow's most well-known setting, and is the setting it remains in to this day.
In the belief that the only solution to the problems posed by the inefficient and haphazard mining methods employed by the Kimberly deposits lay in the amalgamation of the multitude of claims into one unit, by 1887 Cecil Rhodes and his colleagues had succeeded in making the De Beers Mining Company, which was then headed by the flamboyant Barney Barnato.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Brunei Darussalam Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 120

Brunei Darussalam Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.  
By Samina Aamir

Tiffany’s jewelry designers submitted innovative ideas and concepts for the new setting, and the result perfectly reflects their efforts. Like the generations of expert craftspeople before them, skilled artisans then meticulously hand cut and set each diamond in the modern, fluid design that rests lightly on the neckline, radiating light and energy with every movement. Over a year in the making, the elegant necklace of white diamonds totals over 100 carats and features 20 Lucida® diamonds and 58 brilliant-cut diamonds. The Diamond’s mounting, an openwork motif of sunrays, is designed with 481 sparkling stones

Equatorial Guinea Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 119

 Equatorial Guinea Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry. 
 By Samina Aamir

8. Hope Diamond

Image Source
The Hope Diamond is a large, 45.52 carats (9.10 g), deep-blue diamond, housed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. The Hope Diamond is blue to the naked eye because of trace amounts of boron within its crystal structure. It is famous for supposedly being cursed. The legend holds that the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from an eye of a sculpted idol of the Hindu goddess Sita and the specific legends about the Hope Diamond’s “cursed origin” were invented in the early 20th century to add mystique to the stone.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Dominican Republic Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry 118

 Dominican Republic Fashion 2014 Wedding Diamond Great Jewelry.
 By Samina Aamir

When Tom R. Barbour published his instructions in the March, 1963 issue of Lapidary Journal on how to cut a Tiffany Yellow replica, he called for a 27 mm x 27 mm x 21 mm finished stone. His measurements as well as his facet design were relatively close, at least compared to some of his other replicas. The diamond's design is sometimes shown as having an extremely thick girdle -- as is the case with Herbert Tillander's 1995 book. This was, however, dispelled when numerous photos of the diamond, set in its famous Bird on the Rock brooch, taken from various angles appeared on the internet, taken while it was on display at the Smithsonian Institute in 2007.

Monday 15 September 2014

Chad Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry 117

Chad Fashion 2014 Diamond 

Wedding Jewelry.   

 By Samina Aamir

It is believed that the Tiffany Yellow was found in either 1877 or 1878. The lack of exact information concerning the correct date of its discovery extends to its location as well; this has been variously described as the 'De Beers Mine' or the 'Kimberly Mine', 'the De Beers Mines' or 'the Kimberly Mines'. The finding of the Tiffany Yellow took place before accurate records of the discovery of large diamonds from South Africa were kept. However, the clue to its location has been supplied by one writer who has stated it was found in the mines of the French Company. This was the colloquial name for the Compagnie Français de Diamant du Cap, an important mining concern, the existence of which sparked off the most momentous financial struggle which the diamond industry has witnessed.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Brazil Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry 116

 Brazil Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry.    
By Samina Aamir

The Tiffany Diamond is one of the world’s largest and finest fancy  wondrous stone symbolizes Tiffany’s reputation as the quintessential jeweler for diamonds of the utmost quality. The necklace designed for this priceless gem was created in this great yellow diamonds. The transcendent and mesmerizing beauty of thistradition.

Friday 12 September 2014

Democratic Republic Congo (Kinshasa) Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry 114

Democratic Republic Congo (Kinshasa) Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry.   
By Samina Aamir

The head of Tiffany's office in Paris, Mr. Gideon Reed, bought the Tiffany Yellow for $18,000, on behalf of the firm, whence it was imported into the United States in 1879. Initially, little publicity attended the diamond after its arrival there, a deliberate policy which has been ascribed by Charles Tiffany's fears that, as yellowish diamonds were being produced in South Africa in greater quantities than every before, this particular diamond might merely be one of many such stones. However, it is important to draw a distinction between light yellow and yellowish diamonds and those of the rare deeper canary yellow; the Tiffany Yellow remains one of the finest examples of the latter of the three.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Central African Republic Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Bridal Jewelry 113

Central African Republic Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Bridal Jewelry.  
 By Samina Aamir

Between these two events in French history came the discovery of diamonds in South Africa. Tiffany's were active there too, buying a light-yellow cushion of 77 (old) carats cut from a rough stone weighing fractionally less than 125 (old) carats and another fine yellow gem weighing 51 and 7/8 (old) carats. Both of these two diamonds were among the first large stones to be cut in New York City. They were surpassed, however, by the famous gem named after its owners. In the rough, the stone was a beautiful canary-yellow octahedron weighing 287.42 (metric) carats.

Monday 8 September 2014

El Salvador Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry 115

El Salvador Fashion 2014 Diamond Ruby Wedding Jewelry.    
By Samina Aamir
9. Centenary Diamond

Image Source
On March 1, 1988, De Beers was having a big bash to celebrate their 100 years in business. Chairman Julian Oglivie capped off his speech with a little tidbit that stunned the crowd – De Beers’ Premier Mine had recently uncovered a diamond that was perfect in color and weighed 599 carats. It had been found nearly two years before; the company kept it quiet for the sole purpose of flaunting it at their 100th anniversary. It didn’t get to keep all 599 of those carats, though – it had to be cut down to remove some cracks around the edges and it took 154 days to cut 50 carats away. That was just the beginning of the stone’s overhaul – when all was said and done, the Centenary ended up weighing 273.85 carats with 247 facets. It was on loan to the Tower of London for a number of years (have any of you seen it?), but it’s rumored that the stone has since been sold. De Beers remains mum on the subject, saying they respect their clients’ anonymity.

Emerald Diamond Necklace

Emerald Diamond Necklace  Baeutiful Necklace Set only party fashion jewellery By Aair Mannan