Sunday 29 June 2014

Diamond Emerald Ruby Bridal Wedding Women Fashion Jewelry 71

 Diamond Emerald Ruby Bridal Wedding Women Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.

Another response is that I look at islands because the same things happen on islands as on continents. You've got problems of deforestation, climate change, and [decline of fishing stock] just like on continents. But islands are small, so things develop faster. You have a mess develop faster on an island than you do on a continent. The same problems happen on continents, but they play out more clearly in islands.


JULIA SIMON: [Dale Peterson and Richard Wrangham's] Demonic Males mentions Margaret Mead, who looked at the cultures she was studying through an idyllic, utopian light. I'm wondering if you have ever felt that kind of subjectivity seeping into your own work. You write that the people you knew in New Guinea were very smart—more so than some children in America. Do you ever feel you look at them with [special] favor?

Saturday 28 June 2014

Diamond Bridal Wedding Women Fashion Jewelry 70

Diamond Bridal Wedding Women Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.

Another response is that I look at islands because the same things happen on islands as on continents. You've got problems of deforestation, climate change, and [decline of fishing stock] just like on continents. But islands are small, so things develop faster. You have a mess develop faster on an island than you do on a continent. The same problems happen on continents, but they play out more clearly in islands.


JULIA SIMON: [Dale Peterson and Richard Wrangham's] Demonic Males mentions Margaret Mead, who looked at the cultures she was studying through an idyllic, utopian light. I'm wondering if you have ever felt that kind of subjectivity seeping into your own work. You write that the people you knew in New Guinea were very smart—more so than some children in America. Do you ever feel you look at them with [special] favor?

Friday 27 June 2014

Diamond Bridal Wedding Fashion Jewelry 69

Diamond Bridal Wedding Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.

The role of choice isn't nearly as big in Guns, Germs, and Steel. In order to become a farmer, you've got to develop the plants and animals for domestication. If you're like the Inuit, there's no way you can become a farmer. Also, in Guns, Germs and Steel, I was concerned with whole continents rather than small-scale societies.


KAITLYN GOALEN: You seem to have gotten criticism because you use a lot of examples from islands. How do you justify using islands as examples for the larger picture? 17

DIAMOND: Good question. Some of the reviews have criticized me for using examples from islands or from 'marginal societies.' Easter Island. The Anasazi. My response to that is that I do also take examples from populous societies in the middle of continents. For example, the Maya. The Maya were the most advanced society in the Western Hemisphere before Columbus. My examples from the modern world—except Haiti and the Dominican Republic—are all on continents: China, the world's most populous country; Montana, in the world's richest country; Rwanda in Africa. So that's one response.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Diamond Earring Bridal Wedding Fashion Jewelry 68

Diamond Earring Wedding Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Amir.

KAITLYN GOALEN: In Guns, Germs and Steel, [your argument] really came down to environmental factors . . . . However, your subtitle for Collapse, "How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed," takes a very different road. Why the shift?

DIAMOND: You're absolutely correct. In Guns, Germs and Steel, choice is not at the forefront, where in Collapse, choice is at the forefront. The reason isn't because I changed my mind about the role of choice. It's because the two books are about different problems. Collapse is about problems in individual societies. They are problems like deforestation, which some societies solve and some 

don't solve. It's true that some societies face worse problems than others: If you're in a dry environment, for instance, you're at greater risk for deforestation than if you're in a wet one. But still, these are small-scale societies. The problems are ones which sometimes get solved and sometimes don't.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Diamond Women Wedding Fashion Bracelet Jewelry 67

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina Amir.

As for the development of agriculture in lower latitudes, a big role is played by the plants and animals that were available. That's why the Australians did not become farmers. It looks as though some Aboriginal Australians were in the direction of becoming farmers, and starting to process small seeds.

    That's a long-winded way of saying that Blaut's views are absolutely extreme. I found as I read a page of Blaut, there would be a few dozen factual errors on the page. So it's something that I didn't take seriously.
    But there are knowledgeable historians who are just uncomfortable with the sort of comparative approach I adopt, and haven't engaged it.

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry 66

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina Amir.

As for the development of agriculture in lower latitudes, a big role is played by the plants and animals that were available. That's why the Australians did not become farmers. It looks as though some Aboriginal Australians were in the direction of becoming farmers, and starting to process small seeds.

    That's a long-winded way of saying that Blaut's views are absolutely extreme. I found as I read a page of Blaut, there would be a few dozen factual errors on the page. So it's something that I didn't take seriously.

    But there are knowledgeable historians who are just uncomfortable with the sort of comparative approach I adopt, and haven't engaged it.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Diamond Wedding Bridal Fashion Gold Jewelry 65

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina Amir.

DIAMOND: By Blaut, yes. By the vast majority of readers, no. There have been some less extreme reactions from historians. A common reaction by historians to Guns, Germs, and Steel is to claim that the book is about environmental determinism and neglects the role of culture. That's a misunderstanding. The whole book is about culture. It's about how people in different parts of the world ended up in different societies, not because of [innate] differences between them, but because of differences in the ways their cultures responded to the environment.

    As for environmental determinism, it's not the case that the environment determines what's going to happen. The environment places limits on what's possible. In some cases, there are severe limits, in some cases there are fuzzy limits. An example of [a people facing] severe limits on environment is the Eskimos, or Inuit, in the Arctic. Why didn't the Inuit develop agriculture? Yes, that's environmental determinism. There's no way in the Arctic that you can practice agriculture.

Monday 23 June 2014

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry 64

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.

WHC: Guns, Germs, and Steel has become among the favorites of world history teachers at the high school level. I've heard that this success surprised you.

DIAMOND: It has surprised me, because I never thought that it would be read in schools. I assumed it was too complicated. In fact, the first hint that it was getting into schools was when my sons Max and Joshua came home, and they were angry. They said "Daddy, why did you do these bad things to us? 

We've been assigned this chapter from your book, and we haven't read it yet, but we know it's a bad book, and we know it's difficult." That was in 7th grade. So they read it. I didn't know whether they had digested it or understood it. So Max came in and said, "Daddy, the chapter is boring, and the beginning of the chapter is really weak." At that point I knew that he had read it because, of all the chapters, I think that is the most boring one and has the weakest beginning.


Sunday 22 June 2014

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry 63

Diamond Wedding Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina aamir. 

 While he takes no partisan shots, Diamond's agenda in Collapse is more explicitly political than in Guns, Germs, and Steel. He provocatively begins the work with an extended tour of environmental damage in western Montana, challenging readers to connect the dots between previous environmental collapse and conditions in the United States.

    While Guns, Germs, and Steel mined the past to better understand the present, Collapse uses history to alter the future. 4

    This interview was recorded on March 18, 2005 at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California. It has been edited, combining exchanges from a Q & A session with the school's AP World History class with an interview, conducted the same day with WHC's Tom Laichas.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Diamond Fashion White Gold Jewelry 62

Diamond Fashion White Gold Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.

Winner of a Pulitzer Prize, Japan's Cosmos Prize, and a MacArthur fellowship, Jared Diamond has become the best-known writer to explore world history. Guns, Germs, and Steel, his third book, has achieved unusual success among popular audiences as well as in high school and college courses.

    Diamond's recently published Collapse: How Some Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed recounts the environmental disasters engulfing a variety of peoples, among them Easter Islanders, Greenland's 11th-14th century Norse settlers, Mayans, and

contemporary Rwandans and Haitians. Yet Diamond insists that choice plays a role in a society's survival. Cultural choice (in this case, to continue agriculture rather than adapt to an increasingly hostile Arctic environment) doomed Greenland's Norse but not the neighboring Inuit. According to Diamond, not all choices are bad ones: political decisions have, he argues, thus far saved the Dominican Republic from neighboring Haiti's fate.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Diamond Ruby Fashion Wedding Bridal History Jewelry 61

Diamond Ruby Fashion Wedding Bridal History Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir. 

But while manufacturers in countries including India and China currently dominate the manufacturing of fine jewelry in the world on a volume basis, the U.S. market has seen the rise of boutique firms that use old-­fashioned fabrication techniques to create collections in their own workshops. Makers such as McTeigue & McClelland, Nicholas Varney, James de Givenchy, and Daniel Brush are creating jewelry that supersedes trends, using ­time-honored techniques to advance their own distinctive visions.

From sketch to (nearly) finished product: Oscar Heyman’s gold, platinum, diamond, and enamel orchid brooch
And, of course, Hollywood has fallen in love with craftsmanship all over again, as evidenced by the avalanche of press each celebrity’s custom-made engagement ring inspires. Angelina Jolie’s eye-popping ring, designed by husband Brad Pitt, made its maker, Beverly Hills, Calif.–based ­custom ­jeweler Robert Procop, a household name—at least for a few days.

“I think it’s a very exciting time for ­jewelry right now,” says Jonas. “Hollywood started the big jewelry trend again in the 2000s, and there are some brilliant ­jewelry designers in the U.S.” Of course, some of the industry’s most lauded names are some of its oldest. Oscar Heyman, for one, still hand-fabricates jewelry in its New York City headquarters. “We’re American-owned, American-made and we’re still adhering to all the old principles,” says Tom Heyman. “If there’s a choice of making it a little better or a little cheaper, we go a little better. We’ve also always believed in hard work and rolling up our sleeves. And by dint of luck, we’ve survived.”

Monday 9 June 2014

Diamond Ruby Fashion Wedding Bridal Necklace Jewelry 60

Diamond Ruby Fashion Wedding Bridal Necklace Jewelry. 
By Samina aamir.

In 1812 a deep blue diamond described by John Francillion as weighing 177 grains (4 grains = 1 carat) was documented as being in the possession of London diamond merchant, Daniel Eliason. Strong evidence indicates that the stone was acquired by King George IV of England. At his death, in 1830, the king's debts were so enormous that the blue diamond was likely sold through private channels.

The first reference to the diamond's next owner is found in the 1839 entry of the gem collection catalog of the well-known Henry Philip Hope, the man from whom the diamond takes its name. Unfortunately, the catalog does not reveal where or from whom Hope acquired the diamond or how much he paid for it.

Henry Philip Hope

Following the death of Henry Philip Hope in 1839, and after much litigation, the diamond passed to his nephew Henry Thomas Hope and ultimately to the nephew's grandson Lord Francis Hope. In 1901 Lord Francis Hope obtained permission from the Court of Chancery and his sisters to sell the stone to help pay off his debts. It was sold to a London dealer who quickly sold it to Joseph Frankels and Sons of New York City, who retained the stone in New York until they, in turn, needed cash. The diamond was next sold to Selim Habib who put it up for auction in Paris in 1909. It did not sell at the auction but was sold soon after to C.H. Rosenau and then resold to Pierre Cartier that same year.

In 1910 the Hope diamond was shown to Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean, of Washington D.C., at Cartier's while on her honeymoon in Paris, but she did not like the setting. Cartier had the diamond reset and took it to the U.S. where he left it with Mrs. McLean for a weekend. This strategy was successful. The

Sunday 8 June 2014

Diamond Ruby Weddings Bridal Fashion 18k Gold Jewelry 59

Diamond Ruby Weddings Bridal Fashion 18k Gold Jewelry. 
By Samina Aamir 59

Jewellery or jewelry  is small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example. For many centuries metal, often combined with gemstones, has been the normal material for jewellery, but other materials such as shells and other plant materials may be used. It is one of the oldest type of archaeological artefact – with 100,000-year-old beads made from Nassarius shells 

thought to be the oldest known jewellery The basic forms of jewellery vary between cultures but are often extremely long-lived; in Western cultures the most common forms of jewellery listed above have persisted since ancient times, while other forms such as adornments for the nose or ankle, important in other cultues, are much less common.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Diamond Wedding Fashion Gold Jewelry Necklace 58

Diamond Wedding Fashion Gold Jewelry Necklace. 
By Samina Aamir.

Women of Pakistan are great admirers of jewelry because jewelry is taken as a status of a person in the society and is counted as the wealth of women. The upper rich class wears gold jewelry with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and pearls. Less wealthy wear gold with less precious stones, whereas poor class wear jewelry made of silver and base metal. Since jewelry shows the status and wealth of women, hence gold has an esteemed place as an investmen.

The Jewelry tradition of Pakistan is a combination of tradition and modern designs and techniques. In Pakistan, jewelry is worn by all women, sometimes even men, irrespective of their social status. It 

communicates a message of love, hate, power, hierarchy and marriage. Gems and semi-precious stones are worn not only for the fashion purpose but, they are also worn under the prescription of astrologers and spiritual leaders. These gems and stones are believed to affect ones future and destiny and believed to have strong influence on the live of a person. These people wear particular stone or Gem, especially prescribed to them to protect them from evil.
Therefore in Pakistan you will find even an impoverished individual wearing at least ear studs that are or look like gold. Expensive jewels are not ceremonial symbols in Pakistan, even though they are used in abundance in big ceremonies such as weddings when bride is loaded with heavy jewelry, but women and some men too, wear it simply to show their wealth, and to impress their friends. Women wear jewelry with pride and look after them so that it can be handed down generation in the family. In this tradition, jewelry is usually worn by married women whereas widow hardly displays any form of jewelry.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Diamond Weddings Bridal Fashion Necklace Set Jewelry 57

Diamond Weddings Bridal Fashion Necklace Set Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir. 

The 1867 discovery of diamonds in the Cape Colony, South Africa, radically modified not only the world’s supply of diamonds but also the conception of them. As annual world diamond production increased more than tenfold in the following 10 years, a once extremely rare material became accessible to Western society with its growing wealth. 

Today South Africa maintains its position as a major diamond producer.

The story of diamonds in South Africa begins between December 1866 and February 1867 when 15-year-old Erasmus Jacobs found a transparent rock on his father’s farm, on the south bank of the Orange River. Over the next few years, South Africa yielded more diamonds than India had in over 2,000 years.

The first diamond discoveries in South Africa were alluvial. By 1869, diamonds were found far from any stream or river. First in yellow earth and below in hard rock called blue ground, later called kimberlite, after the mining town of Kimberley.

In the 1870′s and 1880′s Kimberley, encompassing the mines that produced 95% of the world’s diamonds, was home to great wealth and fierce rivalries, most notably that between Cecil John Rhodes and Barney Barnato, English immigrants who consolidated early 31ft prospects into ever larger holdings and mining companies. In 1888, Rhodes prevailed and merged the holdings of those synonymous with

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Diamond Ruby Fashion Bridal wedding Necklace Jewelry 56

Diamond Ruby Fashion Bridal wedding Necklace Jewelry. 
By Samina Aamir . 

The world’s love of diamonds had its start in India, where diamonds were gathered from the country’s rivers and streams. Some historians estimate that India was trading in diamonds as early as the fourth century BC. The country’s resources yielded limited quantities for an equally limited market: India’s very wealthy classes. Gradually, though, this changed. Indian diamonds found their way, along with other exotic merchandise, to Western Europe in theistory as beautiful objects of desire. In the first century AD, the Roman naturalist Pliny stated: “Diamond i caravans that traveled to Venice’s medieval markets. By the 1400s, diamonds were becoming fashionable accessories for Europe’s elite.

Diamonds have a long hs the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things in this world.”

A diamond has to go through a lot before it reaches the jeweler’s display case. It forms deep in the earth under extreme heat and pressure. It’s ejected violently upward until it arrives at or near the earth’s surface. It’s forced from its hiding place by nature or by man. Then it’s cleaved and cut and polished until its natural beauty shines through.

In the early 1700s, as India’s diamond supplies began to decline, Brazil emerged as an important source. Diamonds were discovered in the pans of gold miners as they sifted through the gravels of local rivers. Once it reached its full potential, Brazil dominated the diamond market for more than 150 years.uling classes—diamonds’ biggest consumers—were in decline by the late 1700s. Political upheavals lik

While sources changed, the diamond market experienced its own evolution. The old re the French Revolution led to changes in the distribution of wealth.

Monday 2 June 2014

Diamond Engagement Gold Fashion Ring 55

Diamond Engagement Gold Fashion Rings.
By Samina Aamir. 
The mid-7th century Visigothic Code required "that when the ceremony of betrothal has been performed, ..., and the ring shall have been given or accepted as a pledge, although nothing may have been committed to writing, the promise shall, under no circumstances, be broken.

In 860 AD, Pope Nicholas I wrote a letter to Boris I of Bulgaria in reply to questions regarding differences between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox practices. Pope Nicholas describes how in the Western church the man gives his betrothed an engagement ring At the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215, convoked by Pope Innocent III, the Banns of marriage was instituted, prohibiting clandestine marriages and requiring that marriages be 

Sunday 1 June 2014

Diamond Pearls Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewelry 54

Diamond Pearls Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.

The market probably changed as much after 1990 as it did in the years after the 1866 discovery of diamonds in South Africa and the establishment of De Beers. The 1990s brought exciting new sources and encouraged the dramatic growth of some cutting centers. All this was happening as the world economy fluctuated wildly.
As one of the trade’s major participants, De Beers had to change, too. The De Beers of today bears little resemblance to the De Beers of 1989. The company greatly reduced its role as the custodian of diamond supply. Instead of flowing into the market in a single-channel path from De Beers, diamonds now flow into the market through multiple channels.

Not everything changed, though. Regardless of the path they take, diamonds still flow from mines through cutting centers, and ultimately to retail customers.

Diamond’s splendor has been appreciated for centuries, but there was not much scientific knowledge about it before the twentieth century. Since then, diamond knowledge has grown steadily, with research by chemists, physicists, geologists, mineralogists, and oceanographers. In the past 50 years alone, scientists have learned a lot about how diamonds form and how they’re transported to the earth’s surface. That knowledge has made it easier to predict locations for new diamond discoveries.

Emerald Diamond Necklace

Emerald Diamond Necklace  Baeutiful Necklace Set only party fashion jewellery By Aair Mannan