Friday 28 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Weddings Gold Jewelry 51

Yellow Diamond Weddings Gold Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir 

Whereas the thermal probe can separate diamonds from most of their simulants, distinguishing between various types of diamond, for example synthetic or natural, irradiated or non-irradiated, etc., requires more advanced, optical techniques. Those techniques are also used for some diamonds simulants, such as silicon carbide, which pass the thermal conductivity test. Optical techniques can distinguish between natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds. They can also identify the vast majority of treated natural diamonds.[105] "Perfect" crystals (at the atomic lattice level) have never been found, so both natural and synthetic diamonds always possess characteristic imperfections, arising from the circumstances of their crystal growth, that allow them to be distinguished from each other.[106]

Laboratories use techniques such as spectroscopy, microscopy and luminescence under shortwave ultraviolet light to determine a diamond's origin.[105] They also use specially made instruments to aid them in the identification process. Two screening instruments are the DiamondSure and the DiamondView, both produced by the DTC and marketed by the GIA.[107]

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Weddings Necklaces Jewelry 50

Yellow Diamond Weddings Necklaces Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.

Coatings are increasingly used to give a diamond simulant such as cubic zirconia a more "diamond-like" appearance. One such substance is diamond-like carbon—an amorphous carbonaceous material that has some physical properties similar to those of the diamond. Advertising suggests that such a coating would transfer some of these diamond-like properties to the coated stone, hence enhancing the diamond simulant. Techniques such as Raman spectroscopy should easily identify such a treatment.[103]
Early diamond identification tests included a scratch test relying on the superior hardness of diamond. This test is destructive, as a diamond can scratch diamond, and is rarely used nowadays. Instead, diamond identification relies on its superior thermal conductivity. Electronic thermal probes are widely used in the gemological centers to separate diamonds from their imitations. These probes consist of a pair of battery-powered thermistors 

mounted in a fine copper tip. One thermistor functions as a heating device while the other measures the temperature of the copper tip: if the stone being tested is a diamond, it will conduct the tip's thermal energy rapidly enough to produce a measurable temperature drop. This test takes about 2–3 seconds.[104]

Friday 21 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Girls Style Fashion Jewelry 49

Yellow Diamond Girls Style Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.


Main article: Diamond simulant
A round sparkling, clear gemstone with many facets.
Gem-cut synthetic silicon carbide set in a ring
A diamond simulant is a non-diamond material that is used to simulate the appearance of a diamond, and may be referred to as diamante. Cubic zirconia is the most common. The gemstone Moissanite (silicon carbide) can be treated as a diamond simulant, though more costly to produce than cubic zirconia. Both are produced synthetically.
Main article: Diamond enhancement
Diamond enhancements are specific treatments performed on natural or synthetic diamonds (usually those already cut and polished into a gem), which are designed to better the gemological characteristics of the stone in one or more ways. These include laser drilling to remove inclusions, application of sealants to fill cracks, treatments to improve a white diamond's color grade, and treatments to give fancy color to a white diamond. Main article: Diamond simulant
A round sparkling, clear gemstone with many facets.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Women Fashion Jewelry 48

Yellow Diamond  Women Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.
Another popular method of growing synthetic diamond is chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The growth occurs under low pressure (below atmospheric pressure). It involves feeding a mixture of gases (typically 1 to 99 methane to hydrogen) into a chamber and splitting them to chemically active radicals in a plasma ignited by microwaves, hot filament, arc discharge, welding torch or laser.[98] This method is mostly used for coatings, but can also produce single crystals several millimeters in size (see picture).[80]
As of 2010, nearly all 5,000 million carats (1,000 tonnes) of synthetic diamonds produced per year are for industrial use. Around 50% of the 133 million carats of natural diamonds mined per year end up in industrial use.[95][99] The cost of mining a natural colorless diamond runs about $40 to $60 per carat, and the cost to produce a synthetic, gem-quality colorless diamond is about $2,500 per carat.[95]However, a purchaser is more likely to encounter a synthetic when looking for a fancy-colored diamond because nearly all synthetic diamonds are fancy-colored, while only 0.01% of natural diamonds are.[100]

Saturday 15 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Fashion Stylish Jewelry 47

Yellow Diamond Fashion Stylish Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir  

The majority of commercially available synthetic diamonds are yellow and are produced by so-called High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) processes.[96] The yellow color is caused by nitrogen impurities. Other colors may also be reproduced such as blue, green or pink, which are a result of the addition of boron or from irradiation after synthesis.[97]
A round, clear gemstone with many facets, the main face being hexagonal, surrounded by many smaller facets.

Colorless gem cut from diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition
Another popular method of growing synthetic diamond is chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The growth occurs under low pressure (below atmospheric pressure). It involves feeding a mixture of gases (typically 1 to 99 methane to hydrogen) into a chamber and splitting them to chemically active radicals in a plasma ignited by microwaves, hot filament, arc discharge, welding torch or laser.[98] This method is mostly used for coatings, but can also produce single crystals several millimeters in size (see picture).[80]

Friday 14 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Girls Fashion Jewelry 46

Yellow Diamond Girls Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir. 

In some of the more politically unstable central African and west African countries, revolutionary groups have taken control of diamond mines, using proceeds from diamond sales to finance their operations. Diamonds sold through this process are known as conflict diamonds or blood diamonds.[81] Major diamond trading corporations continue to fund and fuel these conflicts by doing business with armed groups. In response to public concerns that their diamond purchases were contributing to war and human rights abuses in central and western Africa, the United Nations, the diamond industry and diamond-trading nations introduced the Kimberley Process in 2002.[91] The Kimberley Process aims to ensure that conflict diamonds do not become intermixed with the diamonds not controlled by such rebel groups. This 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry 45

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.  

Today, most commercially viable diamond deposits are in Russia (mostly in Sakha Republic, for example Mir pipe and Udachnaya pipe), Botswana, Australia (Northern and Western Australia) and the Democratic Republic of Congo.[89] In 2005, Russia produced almost one-fifth of the global diamond output, reports the British Geological Survey. Australia boasts the richest diamantiferous pipe, with production from the Argyle diamond mine reaching peak levels of 42 metric tons per year in the 1990s.[87][90] There are also commercial deposits being actively mined in the Northwest Territories of Canada and Brazil.[75] Diamond prospectors continue to search the globe for 

diamond-bearing kimberlite and lamproite pipes. Today, most commercially viable diamond deposits are in Russia (mostly in Sakha Republic, for example Mir pipe and Udachnaya pipe), Botswana, Australia (Northern and Western Australia) and the Democratic Republic of Congo.[89] In 2005, Russia produced almost one-fifth of the global diamond output, reports the British Geological Survey. Australia boasts the richest diamantiferous pipe, with production from 

the Argyle diamond mine reaching peak levels of 42 metric tons per year in the 1990s.[87][90] There are also commercial deposits being actively mined in the Northwest Territories of Canada and Brazil.[75] Diamond prospectors continue to search the globe for diamond-bearing kimberlite and lamproite pipes.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry 44

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.
Diamond extraction from primary deposits (kimberlites and lamproites) started in the 1870s after the discovery of the Diamond Fields in South Africa.[85] Production has increased over time and now an accumulated total of 4,500,000,000 carats (900,000 kg) have been mined since that date.[86] Twenty percent of that amount has been mined in the last five years, and during the last 10 years, nine new mines have started production; four more are waiting to be opened soon. Most of these mines are located in Canada, Zimbabwe, Angola, and one in Russia.[86]
In the U.S., diamonds have been found in Arkansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.[87][88] In 2004, the discovery of a microscopic diamond in the U.S. led to the January 2008 bulk-sampling of kimberlite pipes in a remote part of Montana.[88]

Emerald Diamond Necklace

Emerald Diamond Necklace  Baeutiful Necklace Set only party fashion jewellery By Aair Mannan